Catskill Center

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Dear Catskill residents and business owners,

How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted you, your business, and/or your community?

We're gathering stories from residents and business owners throughout the Catskills for publication in Catskills Magazine 2020 Issue 3, and would love to hear from you.

With new statistics and data every day, the situation can feel like a disconnected outpouring of numbers and media information — we want to hear your voice and share the real-life impact the pandemic has had on the people of the Catskills.

Email a short paragraph response* to

Include your town of residence, your name, and your business name (if applicable), or indicate if you’d prefer your entry to be anonymous. Thank you for your participation!

*Entries may be edited for clarity and space.

Catskills Magazine
Sent directly to Catskill Center members everywhere.