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Nature & Wonder: A Writing Workshop with Genevieve Pfeiffer

  • Zoom Writing Workshop (map)

In this class, we’ll remember that writing is a form of play and exploration. As adults, returning to nature is a type of play—why not bring this joy into our writing, and see how it can enhance our words? Being outside rejuvenates us, encourages our curiosity, and facilitates wonder. These qualities are what make our writing shine.

This is a six-week series of classes, with room to come and go as you need! You’ll be provided with readings ahead of each session which, if we feel moved, can spark discussion. 

We’ll also take time to explore different types of writing prompts inspired by visual art, music and sound, short videos, and nonfiction. Sometimes we’ll focus on personal experience, other times we’ll focus on information we have learned—often we’ll fuse both together, as one inspires the other. 

It is my hope that these workshops offer new readings, intriguing discussions, plenty of time to write, and a group of familiar faces with whom we can share and appreciate writing and literature. Join us, all are welcome.


Genevieve Pfeiffer is a poet, herbalist, and teacher. She is the Assistant Director at Anomaly and will host its summer reading series in a beautiful NYC community garden (join us!). Her work is forthcoming or has been published in Frost meadow Review, Birdcoat Quartlerly, Juked, So to Speak, The Write Room, and more. She oscillates between NYC and the mountains, and you can find her where there are trees. 

She blogs about outdoor wanderings, herbalism, and bioregional health at:

Dates: Wednesdays, July 29, August 5, 12, 19, 26 and Sept 2

Time: 7:00-8:30pm

Cost: $45 for 6 weeks (please contact for scholarship information)

Please click here to register!