Catskill Center Land Acknowledgement 

Updated January 2024

We acknowledge that the Catskill Center occupies and manages unceded land in the shared traditional territory of the Esopus-Munsee Lenape, the Haudenosaunee, and their ancestors. These lands and waterways are among the vast traditional areas of the Haudenosaunee, Esopus Lenape, Munsee Lenape/Monsiyok, and Mohican/Muhhekunneuw Peoples. We recognize and honor the enduring presence and resilience of these Nations. For thousands of years, the Native people stewarded this land. Their wisdom, traditions, and culture have enriched this region and those of us here today. We also acknowledge the historical injustices, including forced removals and broken treaties, that have impacted Indigenous communities across this region. In recognizing our historical responsibilities, we offer our respect to the sovereign nations of the Indigenous diaspora elsewhere in North America, as well as other Indigenous individuals and communities now residing in the Catskills. By offering this land acknowledgement, we commit to addressing the legacies of Indigenous dispossession and dismantling practices of erasure that persist to this day. We commit to expanding engagement between Native peoples and the Catskill Center. We commit to collaborating with Native nations to know better the Indigenous people, past and present, who care for this land. We recognize the resilience and persistence of contemporary Indigenous communities and their role in educating us about justice, equity, and the stewardship of the land throughout the generations. This is a living land acknowledgment, which we will continue to revise and strengthen in collaboration.