NY Governor’s Budget Proposal Retains Key Funding for Catskill Park and Congressman Maurice D. Hinchey Catskills Visitor Center

January 23, 2025 — The Catskill Center for Conservation and Development applauds Governor Kathy Hochul for including funding for the Catskill Forest Preserve Park and the Congressman Maurice D. Hinchey Catskills Visitor Center in her Executive Budget proposal unveiled January 21. We’re thrilled to see support of $8 million dedicated to the Catskill and Adirondack Forest Preserve Parks, $250,000 for the Catskills Visitor Center, and $180,000 for the Catskill Science Collaborative.

“We appreciate that the Governor recognizes the Catskill Park as a valuable resource for all New Yorkers, and one that must be invested in,” said Jeff Senterman, Executive Director of the Catskill Center. “We’re grateful that for the second year in a row, the Governor has proposed a dedicated funding line for the Forest Preserve, including the Catskill Park. While the line is less than the $10 million approved in last year’s budget, we are confident that we can work with members of the Assembly and Senate to ensure the final budget includes the funding necessary to ensure proper stewardship for New York’s two Forest Preserve parks.”

The Catskill Center is pleased that through the Governor’s Executive Budget proposal, she sees the value of visitor and interpretive Centers for the Adirondack and Catskill Parks. These centers are public/private partnerships and are located in strategic locations in the Catskills and Adirondacks that attract and serve visitors traveling to popular areas. Continued funding of these centers is critical as they serve to protect the Forest Preserve, keep recreationists safe, educate youth and the public, and steward our natural and community assets.

While the Governor’s Executive Budget proposal includes funding for the Catskills Visitor Center and two of the three Visitor Interpretive Centers in the Adirondacks, we were disappointed that the Governor did not include funding for the visitor center facilities run by the Adirondack Mountain Club (ADK) in the Adirondacks, which was included in last year’s budget. We believe that all four of the Forest Preserve visitor center facilities should be funded to maximize the public/private partnership that these efforts represent.

The Catskill Center will work to ensure funding for the Catskills and Forest Preserve identified in the Executive Budget remains in the final budget, work with the Assembly and Senate to increase the Forest Preserve line, and to restore funding for ADK’s visitor center facilities, which was included in last year’s final budget, but not included in this year’s Executive Budget proposal.

AdvocacyJeff Senterman