“Catskill Song”
by Michael “Mick” Parsons

Peepers yellin’ wake up time.
Louder then a chainsaw whine.
Dance of the maple trees.
Swooshing in the Catskill breeze.

Crash of thunder cymbals,
Rip Van Winkle bowling pins
Smack of 1st kiss
On unpracticed lips
Under a fireworks, black sky

Whomp of a cannonball 
Creating waves in a clear mountain pool
Shrieks of wet clothes standing by

Convertible blasts summer song
Screeching brakes down a Platte Clove Mtn. Road 

Katydids night cry
Look at this starlit sky
Answered by the chirp of the lonely toad
Kindred spirits sing to the mountains 
By campfire light 
Close the “Window in Heaven”
It’s going to be a long night.