$2,500 Catskill Interpretive Center Challenge!

We've received a very generous challenge! Jim Infante of the Friends of the Catskill Interpretive Center will contribute $2,500 for furnishings, equipment and operations at the Catskill Interpretive Center if FIVE other individuals or groups of individuals commit to also contributing $2,500.

People who wish to meet this challenge, either on their own, or as part of a group, should contact: Jim Infante (ettoreinfante@aol.com) or Michael Drillinger (mdrillinger@catskillcenter.org).

The Maurice D. Hinchey Catskill Interpretive Center is a unique partnership among government and private local nonprofits. The success of the Interpretive Center as the Gateway to the Catskills depends on your support.

Jeff SentermanComment